Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What not to try in the kids bathroom


I have 2 teenage daughters right?

Do you have ANY idea of the massive amount of make up and brushes those girls need have?

Seriously?  My already messy bathroom looks like some bomb exploded when the girls are done getting ready in the morning.

Like No counter space anywhere....

Which makes it a problem for necessities like...I don't know,  brushing ones teeth?????


So I opted to try out a couple of handy quick and easy pintrest pins to get an organize going on...or at least make my dental bills less.

I decided to first go with this Pin cuz it looked relatively harmless.


Honestly I didnt read the tutorial. 

I mean, it looks pretty self explanatory...and GENIUS!

So I zipped over to my dollar store to get my $1 square vase....check!

And then had to make a seperate trip to get the coffee beans cuz I wouldnt know  how to grind them if you asked me...I use this instead.....

(I am spoiled like that:)

So for a grand total of  $5.95 ish,  I had all the supplies to get my project going :)


So I took my coffee beans and dumped them in the vase thingy and it took about half the bag.  It was seriously no problem :)

Looks good right??

(I know I am seriously short on the make up brushes but I figured the girls could put their own brushes in since I did so much work and all.)

And since I had a half a bag of useless coffee beans I took the tutorial and put my own little twist on it even....

Cute right?  and resourceful....Go me!  I made this one for DH side of the bed and another for mine :)


This is what it looked like when I got home the next day.....with the coffee beans all mashed into the carpet.....At least he made the effort to set it back upright.....

So I went in the kids bathroom to see how their makeup brush holder worked after a rushed morning of getting ready.

This is what my 3 of children decided to use the makeup brush holder for......The fourth just didnt even bother as usual.
(which I guess isnt a bad idea? But it just seems wrong somehow...Agreed???)

But if you look really closely at the picture...You will see an issue beyond toothbrushes in the wrong container..... Can you guess it?

Yup.... about 1/4 the coffee beans are missing...I wonder where they went?

I also wonder why Pinterest doesn't have any pins on how to unclog your drain full of coffee beans.....

Or does this kind of stuff only happens to me?

Do to its under appreciation (and the non existent plumbing budget) I think my makeup brush organizer is gonna have to relocate to my Pinterest vanity I have yet to construct :)


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